• Doris A. Derby

    Doris Adelaide Derby (November 11, 1939 – March 28, 2022) was an American activist and documentary photographer. She was the adjunct associate professor of anthropology at Georgia State University and…

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  • Johnson Family

    Her grandmother, Edith Delaney Johnson, had started a chapter of the NAACP in Maine in the 1920s.

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  • Scholarships

    SCHOLARSHIP CRITERIA An applicant must be a student enrolled:(1) on a full or part-time basis(2) at an accredited educational institution. This is not limited to four-year colleges. Scholarship funds will…

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  • Publications

    ‘The story behind Derby’s wonderful, intimate pictures is enmeshed with the rest of her extraordinary life … Her experience also provides a revealing snapshot of the rupture that America went…

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  • Repository

    “A Civil Rights Journey” — Doris Derby’s Searing, Intimate Photos of the Civil Rights Movement A book presents more than 110 pictures from Derby’s archive, offering a rich panorama of…

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The DJB Foundation, Inc.

The DJB Foundation, Inc.


The DJB Foundation provides scholarship opportunities to college students to preserve the African-American experience.

The Derby Johnson Banks (DJB) Foundation was conceived by Dr. Doris A Derby who was a photo-journalist, researcher and educator, focusing her work on civil rights for African Americans and education in the African-American community

Below: Derby (center) at the Through a Lens Darkly premiere at the

2014 Atlanta Film Festival

Photography By BurnAway

The DJB Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, nonprofit organization.

Contributions and donations are accepted.